Wednesday 8 May 2013

Final Major Project

Final Exterior of hazard house.

Overall I am pleased with the outcome of this project. I believe I have captured the lighting and composition well. The lighting used for the exterior consists of point lights and a directional light. I have used spot light for the sides of the house highlighting the windows and for the street lights. The alarm light flashes, and the street light flickers. The environment setting is at dusk on a cul de sac.
Right view of the street with further houses visible in the distant. I have created a box colliders around the areas of the street and houses where player is restricted.
Left view of the street. The other houses in the distance in darkness the street is serene and quite compared to the house.

Ariel view of the street and its surrounding.
Front view of the house.

Side of view of the house with a spotlight to highlight the windows.
Close up of the window - transparent, reflective, shiny windows.
Back view of the house.

Back view close up windows.

Close up view of the bay window viewing inside.

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