Friday, 26 April 2013

Useful link on how to animate in unity

Screenshots of WIP

 Downloaded pro on my machine.
Added glass reflective texture to the windows and added self illuminating texture to the bulbs.
Animated the door so when the player touches the box collider the door opens.
 Started modelling further hazards for the scene - electric sparks. (faulty plug)

 Added reflective transparent texture to the chandelier

Kitchen developed further by adding more cupboards at the top and lights under the them. Effects being developed such as smoke and fire particles on gas coming from the kettle and bubbles from the sink.

Sorted the models and textures for my room. Lowered the poly count and texture sizes. Added my code to the globe so it rotates. I tried adding a previous code I made for the light switch but it doesn't seem to work when the object is clicked on.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


Duplicate my door opening code to other doors

Import my mirror animation in 3ds max

Import books modelled

Make sure all collisions are in place

Work on more animation/interaction (hazards, obstacles)

Duplicate the house (street) collisons

Final Lightmapping the scene.

Extra features

Add an main menu interface for the project

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Error opening Unity file

Project has been updated from 3.5 to unity pro 4.0. The project opens up but the error message keeps appearing on university computers. I have to keep pressing cancel in order to get rid of it. I tried opening up a new project but the error still appears.

Chandelier Texture

Chandeleir crystals, in unity set to transparent specular to add shine. Open the chandeleir UV map  Add alpha map, fill the background colour white.

Select the transparent areas

Save as targa 32 bits per pixel

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Collision on stairs in unity

Add a mesh collider, then change the character controller step offset property in the inspector.

My progress

 Scenery of house in development

lounge development.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Unity test

WIP modelling more assets

My progress

modelling more objects for the scene (uvw mapping/unwrapping texturing etc)

Have imported into unity as fbx to test textures etc

Aim to finish all modelling by this week and start adding interactive elements.