Sunday 18 November 2012

My 3D Project

For my individual project I have chosen to create my house in 3D with interactive elements.  Interactive elements in the house will include switches (lights on and off), doors (open and close), curtains (drawing), alarm (ringing able to turn on and off) and TV (a video playing) etc. To make it more interesting and interactive I will add special effects to the house. These effects will be potential hazards that can occur in the home if one does not follow the simple rules of health and safety. Such as fire, smoke, water and electricity. The programs I intend to use are 3DS MAX and UDK. I have chosen UDK game engine because I am eager to learn a new program and improve my technical skills. However if UDK is causing problems and delays in my scheduling I will use Unity instead as I have more experience with this program.  

Here are some reference shots of my house for inspiration to help when modelling assets in 3DS MAX.

My plan and schedule for this project. 

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